When we arrived there some friends we met earlier like Sigid and Luci had already left, but I met some Antara friends like the boys of GFJA, mas Buchan and mas Gunawan, and the Yogya photojournalists Rere, Reza, Memed, etc.
The venue was a very nice, old building owned by Kompas-Gramedia group. It was probably one of the most popular exhibition venues in the city, so it was an absolute perfect spot for IPPHOS.
IPPHOS (Indonesian Press Photo Service) was the first ever press photo agency in Indonesia and there have been several IPPHOS exhibitions held by GFJA for the last few years. This one was for the launch of the IPPHOS photo book, with texts written by Yudhi Soerjoatmodjo. Their previous exhibition was held at GFJA, and coincidentally it was also on the same date with Supper Snapshots (when we opened ours in Bali last December).
Later that evening we joined some friends to the after-opening party at Cafe Asmara in Tirtodipuran, and stayed there until a couple of hours after midnight before we finally walked back to mbak Mirna’s place.