Some designs I have made for the last few years – from personal projects like Bystanders and Supper Snapshots to organisational and professional ones.

Poster-Familiar-Faces-WebFor this exhibition (held by Panna Institute) I made the design for the poster, e-poster, invitation, guest book, and cd cover.
[Click here for all the images]

vox3_6_p1213Vox Discipulorum is an international magazine published by the ISN-R (International Students Network-Representative) of Leiden University. I designed the layout for the magazine and I believe this is my finest work for them.
[Click here to see more images of the magazine and the pdf]

supper snapshots proposal mint july digital EN15The first proposal design for my Supper Snapshots exhibition.
[Click here to see more images and the pdf]

cover bystanders 4 480Bystanders was an indiepop music zine initiated by me and some best friends. We made four editions in 2007, and here is a sample of the zine.
[Click here to see other editions and the pdf of all the zines]

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